Our Dear Friends,
Welcome to the website of Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center. Here we hope you will discover and begin to explore this sacred place in Citrus Heights, California. Since 1950 the Passionists and Christ the King Team have sponsored retreats, days of prayer and other spiritual programs to enable all those who are seeking a deeper relationship with God to experience His presence in the peace, beauty and wonder in this remarkable place.
It is a hidden jewel nestled in the center of Citrus Heights providing that place of quiet where people can slow down, forget the busyness of their day-to-day, and connect with the divine. Hundreds of people attending our retreats have shared their feelings of being on “holy ground” as they enter our private driveway which is lined with tall oleanders reaching high towards the sky. As you pass through this tunnel of oleanders and turn slightly to the right, a beautiful white statue of St. Paul of the Cross greets everyone. We are blessed with a spacious and comfortable retreat center that has single-room accommodations for up to 67 guests, beautifully landscaped grounds, a Memorial Garden dedicated to St.Paul of the Cross, Garden of the Lord’s Passion (Way of the Cross), A beautiful Grotto for Our Lady of the Passion surrounded by huge Redwood trees, a Shrine for Our Lady of Fatima, Labyrinth and a variety of places for quiet meditation and prayer right at the heart of Citrus Heights. Christ the King is truly a sacred place that lifts the spirits and calms the souls of all who come here.
As you come to know this beautiful and sacred retreat center, we are confident that you will find here a renewed experience of God and a deep sense of His love and presence in your life. Come and see, rest and be renewed.